Monday, August 30, 2010

When should you call Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund?

Our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) have put together a helpful list that outlines when you should call Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund. Here are some early warning signs indicating it’s time to check in with us:

• Early or late loss of baby teeth
• Difficulty of chewing or biting
• Mouth breathing
• Finger sucking or other oral habits
• Crowding, misplaced or blocked-out teeth
• Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude or retrude
• Speech difficulty
• Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the mouth
• Protruding teeth
• Teeth that meet in an abnormal way or don’t meet at all
• Facial imbalance or asymmetry
• Grinding or clenching of teeth

Do any of these warning signs fit you? If so, give us a call as soon as possible!

Hope this helps,

-Brayces Orthodontics

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tackling sports injuries with Brayces Orthodontics

Let’s face it: sports-related injuries are common among children, let alone teens with braces. In a recent survey, the American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, discovered that 70 percent of parents said their biggest worry is that their child will get hurt while playing sports. But 67 percent admitted that their child doesn’t wear a mouth guard when participating in organized sports such as football, basketball, baseball and soccer. That’s why Brayces Orthodontics is helping spread the word that many facial sports injuries can be prevented simply by reminding your kids to wear mouth guards. Ask us—Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund will provide a mouth guard for any patient in active treatment. In addition, the AAO has provided the following tips for keeping your kids safe on the field this spring. Please remind them to:

• Wear mouth guards during contact sports
• Wear a helmet
• Stretch before and after a game or practice
• Wear protective eye wear
• Wear a face shield to avoid scratched or bruised skin
• Be observant—even as a spectator

All of these can reduce injuries. Only by using a mouth guard and other forms of facial protection can kids with and without braces avoid serious sports injuries. Be sure to avoid mouth guards that custom form to your teeth as these will resist any tooth movements Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund are trying to achieve.

Give us a call if you have any questions about mouth guards or your treatment at Brayces Orthodontics.

Monday, August 16, 2010

At Brayces Orthodontics, what puts you at ease?

Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund and team understand not everyone enjoys visiting their orthodontist. But we strive to bring you the best and most comforting experience at each visit. We’d like to know: What is it about Brayces Orthodontics that makes you comfortable or puts you at ease? Is it something about our pleasant office environment? Our friendly staff or Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund?

Let us know by posting here or by giving us a call!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ask Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund: Am I too old for braces?

Who’s afraid of “metal mouth” and the appearance of braces? Not adults, apparently. Recently, our staff at Brayces Orthodontics read a fascinating statistic: the number of adults getting braces has actually climbed 24 percent since 1996! Yes, braces help make your pearly whites strong, healthy and perfectly-aligned, but perhaps another reason for the spike in adult braces is this: people want to look and feel great. In an age—and society—where looks matter as much as anything, and at a time when evenly-aligned and sparkling teeth might be the difference between getting a job or a promotion, adults are choosing—wisely, we might add—to invest in orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment with Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund can be successful at any age, and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile.

If you’ve been thinking about getting that perfect smile, Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund would love to have you visit for a consultation. Please give us a call to set one up!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Burning Invisalign® questions, with Brayces Orthodontics

Are you wondering what Invisalign treatment is really like, and what effect it will have on your day-to-day activities? Will it slur your speech? Will people know you're in treatment? You're not alone in your concerns! Dr. Bray & Dr. Pfund and our team thought we’d share this list of questions and answers for anyone pondering Invisalign treatment at Brayces Orthodontics.

How exactly does Invisalign work?

Using 3-D computer imaging technology, Invisalign creates a series of custom-made, clear aligners exclusively for your teeth, based on the treatment plan that we specify for you. Each aligner moves teeth incrementally and is worn for about two weeks, then replaced by the next in the series until the final position is achieved.

Will I experience pain during treatment?

Most people experience temporary discomfort for a few days after a new aligner is placed. This feeling of pressure is normal and is a sign that Invisalign is working by sequentially moving your teeth to their final destination.

Can other people see that I'm in treatment?

One of the benefits of Invisalign is that the aligners are clear. You can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing.

Can I smoke during treatment?

We discourage smoking while wearing the aligners as they may become discolored.

Are there any foods I shouldn’t eat while in treatment?

You can eat normally during the entire course of treatment. One of the advantages of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable. Simply take the aligners out before each meal, brush when you're finished eating, then reinsert the aligners afterward.

What about chewing gum?

We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks, as gum and other chewy substances can stick to the aligners.

How often must I wear my aligners?

Aligners should be worn all day, except when eating, brushing, and flossing.

Will my speech be affected by the aligners?

As with any orthodontic treatment, aligners may temporarily affect your speech. If this does happen, your tongue will adjust within a day or two and your speech should return to normal.

How do I clean my aligners?

The best way to clean your aligners is by brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water.

How often must I visit Brayces Orthodontics during treatment?

For most patients, visits every 4-6 weeks are frequent enough for us to determine that your treatment is progressing properly. Brayces Orthodontics will provide you with a specific schedule that supports your individual treatment plan.